Clearly we are TERRIBLE bloggers but we are going to try this again! (if anyone still checks it at all)
Here are some funny things the kids have been doing lately.
-One of the kids was whining and I yelled into the other room, "What is your problem?" Emmy
yells back in a serious voice..."It's not my problem. It's Davin's problem!"
- (this one is only funny if you have seen Nemo a few times) We were sitting in the car after it was
dark outside, and out of no where Emmy says, "Are you my conscience?" with the same inflection
and accent as Ellen.
- In Walmart, Emmy saw the shape of a cross and got really excited. I asked her what happened
on the cross and she told me Jesus died. Then I asked her what happened on Easter. She
thought and said a few uuummmms, and then blurts out, "We all pigged out!"
- My dad was here visiting and the dog was in the house running around. The dog ran up and
licked Davin in the face. I told him that was gross and he should push him down when that
happens. My dad said, "yah, who knows where his tongue has been." Emmy looked really
confused at my dad and said in a very 'duh' manner, "It's been in his mouth!"
Blue Crew
8 years ago