Today was a day of investing one-on-one into people: some by sharing dreams, some by praying, some by guidance, and some by correction.
The weird thing is...I feel like a pastor today...not in a positional/prideful way, but as defined as a shepherd/leader. (Other pastors may identify with me on this--you don't always feel that every day) It's still a feeling I am not quite used to...and I will probably never call myself "Pastor Nathan." I am seriously humbled to be used by God in any form, and I have no idea how this was his plan for me all surely wasn't mine. :)
In my short ministry experience, I have worked only in an assistant pastor role...even initially here with Marco. The day after he left, the feeling inside me that was a passion for ministry totally ramped up to another level. It has always been a passion more than a job, but that day I was overwhelmed by this feeling of ownership and responsibility for this church (read: people) here that has been entrusted to me by God. I will give a report to God for this group and our Kingdom impact. Even writing these words again here scares the hooha out of me...and makes me somewhat emotional...and makes me again want to go fall on my face before God as I am hopelessly dependent on Him.
For me right now, this is how it feels to be a pastor.